The Charles' Critical Corner
Hello there I'm known(to myself and those who I associate with) as Charles Scales aka The Charles aka Charles Dynamite aka etc. etc. I'm a 22(23 not far away) college student, Blockbuster Employee, Movie Snob, Movie Addict, Aspiring writer and Director. My friends usually think of me as some what of a movie snob, but that's a ugly word. I like to think that I just have a interesting taste in all things movie. I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to movies. I range from The Adventures of The American Rabbit to Finding Neverland. I think that to be a true movie fanatic is to love all movies, even if you think they are tragically flawed or overly simple. Don't get me wrong there are many movies and directors I personally can't stand, yet I'm still more than likely to watch it anyway. I love James Cameron, but HATE HATE HATE Titanic. I love Steven Spielberg but don't really care for Encounters of the 3rd kind. Tim Burton.....can count the movies I like on one hand. Even my muse and damn close movie making idol, Kevin Smith. I have everything he's done on VHS and DVD, but if you ask me about the movie he produced, VULGAR, I'd have to say crapola. My main mission in life is to see as many movies as possible. I'm a bit of a movie addict and I admit it. So if you've found this site your in for a guy who's a critic in every form of way....still don't understand how I even make friends...I would think more people would really not like me.